Article No. VK-10204

Test Block (black)

Test block made of black opaque acrylic including several groups of differently sized defects for localization of non-visible defects

This test block made of black opaque acrylic is intended for a version of the basic experiment PHY01, in which the focus is upon searching for defects in unfamiliar test objects. In this, the test block can be scanned from all sides and the number and location of the defects can be determined. In further experiments, probes of different frequencies are used to determine the shape and size of the individual inhomogeneities. In these investigations, the main aim is to develop suitable strategies for the complete localisation of all defects. In addition to this, all experiments in which the use of the transparent test block is envisaged can, of course, also be carried out with the black test block. The acoustic characteristics and the arrangement of the defects correspond to those of the transparent test block.

Dimensions: apprx. 150 mm × 80 mm × 40 mm
Material: acrylic, black (opaque)
Sound velocity: ≈ 2700 m/s (longitudinal)
Density: 1.2 g/cm³
Defects: 11

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