Article No. VK-10241
Crack Depth Test Block
Aluminium test block with cracks of different depths for investigation using angle beam testing method and TOFD method
The test block contains cracks with different depths. Using two different measuring techniques the cracks can be localised and their depths determined. With an angle beam probe, the angle echo amplitude is determined in dependence on crack depth. This method fails, however, in the case of greater crack depths. With the TOFD technique, cracks of greater depth can also be localised and measured. The capabilities and the limitations of the two processes are determined on this test block.
Material: aluminium
Sound velocity:
– longitudinal ≈ 6400 m/s
– transversal ≈ 3100 m/s
Dimensions: 35 mm × 35 mm × 300 mm
Crack depths: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 15 mm